Saturday, November 14, 2009

Systemic Leadership Core Model Drafted

First off, we have a wiki for Systemic Leadership. We are still filling out the initial content. This is a place for you to read, and possibly engage directly in the development of this systemic leadership concept we've been talking about on this blog. The wiki contains links to our publications so far. We've loaded those onto Google Docs, so that you can see the various routes we have taken.

Now, we introduce our draft systemic leadership model. After spending much time looking on relational factors of a model, and specifically avoiding reduction, we have seen a simple pattern emerge. In this model, we consider the relationship between a leader and a team as core element operating to achieve some endeavor (project, program, etc) in an environment. While relating leaders and teams to do a project is normal in most leadership constructs, we add in the notion of a battle rhythm.

The US Army uses battle rhythms extensively and is generally concerned if a rhythm is lacking (See section I-66 of RM 4-02.2 for examples of what may happen if the rhythm isn't known). For the systemic model, the decisions needed for the endeavor are presented through the team to the leaders in accordance with the battle rhythm. Good battle rhythms ensure that the leader is present at the right time, with the right supporting information, to make the right decisions. Poor rhythms interfere with the right information getting to the leader at the right time in some fashion. For example, insisting on defining an interface with an external user that may not be needed by either party for several years may take attention away from other critical decisions that the leader must make.

Now, this is a draft model, we welcome comments or thoughts on how you think this model may help leaders take a more systemic view at leading their programs.

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